The Games
House-hold Safe: $2.65 CAD - Peak at prizes* you can earn!
Your Banker* - You have to Log-in to play-in. You have unknown amount to spend on gifts.
You have 9 hidden pages left to visit before unlocking these 2 secret games.
FoxGlove Changes
Match-up-a Slot
$2 dollars 3 plays - how-to-win
Dine-out or Shud-up
Prizes money only, play for keeps - how-to-win - List-of-Prizes
Dice Games
5mokin' 2 rolls (two to 5 dies)
5 cents per die. Busted? Retry, for 2 cents per-die - how-to-win
Yahtzee (Poker) Roll-Play
10 cents per play - how-to-win
Card Plays
Blackjack + 21
15 cents per play - how-to-win
52 card war
5 cents per card - how-to-win
7/5 - Lotto
13 picks - 7 is a winner
20 cents per play - how-to-win
9 picks - 5 is a winner
10 cents per play - how-to-win